Thursday, March 10, 2011

Around here

I can't sit at the computer for too long thanks to my wonky back.  Hopefully that will all be fixed up soon by Mr. ChiropractorFriend.  So just a few observations from around here.

*Ben continues to scare me with his mad smarts.  Broken record alert, but that kid is really good at number stuff.  Obviously it comes from his Dad.  Obviously.  The other night I was telling him a when I was little story-requested every night at bedtime from Mom or Dad- this was a ten year old Mommy story.  I told him about something I did when I was ten, that I stopped when I was twelve.  Without taking a breath he says, so, when you had two years left, huh?  I know, it doesn't sound too impressive-but for a 4 year old it's pretty cool, y'all (think I've been watching too much fake Miley Cyrus on SNL?)

*Ben and Nate have made up this game where Ben is Nate's baby.  It always involves Ben telling Nate he has stinky pants and Nate immediately runs for wipes and a diaper to change his baby.  Funny and a little disturbing all rolled into one.

*Peanut butter and jelly is the new obsession around here.  We had one at 10:30 this morning, and another might be coming up soon.

*The boys and I are working through a Spring Cleaning list.  And it's intense.  So far we have only picked the fun stuff.  I love the organizing and purging, but HATE the actual cleaning.  I feel like I am not good at it and it just gets dirty again so fast.  Can you say lazy?  Say it with me, L-A-Z-Y.

*Nate has been mega-napping lately.  He was a pretty consistent two hour guy, now he is stretching it out closer to three-and I wake him up most days.  I hope this is growth spurt sleeping and not getting sick sleeping.

*I feel so renewed as a Mom after attending a Power of Moms retreat.  Like Sally, my partner in crime, I am working on some posts to try to process what I came away with.  The main idea I left the retreat with was to be deliberate.  More later.

*Since my retreat, I feel like I have been a much calmer mom. 

More of this...

And less of this...

Think I could pull off Glenda's dress?  It would look good at the park and grocery store, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Ben cracks me up! So exciting to see what I have to look forward to.


Wiser ones than me say.....