Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring at the Farm

This week we went to Fox’s farm, a sweet little outing here in Lexington. A group of us goes there at Halloween and again at Easter every year. We get to go on a hayride, look for eggs (or baby pumpkins), pet all sorts of animals, roast hot dogs over a fire, sit on a pony, and plant a flower. And it’s only $6.50 for each little one! What a deal, huh? And the family that owns the farm is so, so nice-we always feel like we are back with old friends.

There are 2 little series of pictures I HAVE to share. One of the reasons I wanted to upgrade my camera was to be able to get better action shots. With my point and shoot, any motion was always captured as a blur. Sweet PoorGil gave me a great one for Christmas a few years ago and I am thankful every time I touch it. My other reason was that I wanted to get blurry backgrounds in pictures-so technical, huh? My camera has lived up to both requests quite well!

If you know Nate, you know that he hates to have anything foreign on him-and that kid hates to have his hands dirty. He taught himself how to use a fork pretty early to avoid the dreaded dirty hands at dinner. Forget trying to get near him with a sticker-mayhem I tell you. His teachers laugh because the 2 year old class specializes in hand art-painting the kids hands and making something out of them-needless to say-Nate is not a fan.

He is also sort of a chicken. He is wild-don’t get me wrong-he is just not too adventurous. More nicely put, he is cautious and careful. So it was surprising that he very willingly fed some of the animals at the farm. I thought these pictures of him feeding the sheep were really funny-especially viewed in order…

I could eat that last picture. It is an instant classic!  Makes me laugh every time.

I have more, but I am too impatient to wait for them to upload right now.

More later.

1 comment:

Wiser ones than me say.....