Friday, April 8, 2011

Some progress


Poor Gil.  Every single one of my posts should start with those two words.  Gil had the misfortune to marry a crazy woman who is pathologically unable to complete a project-and often to even start one that she dreams up.  Gil has wanted to get a new cooktop for a while and we finally decided to bite the bullet and get one.  The the one we had was the last appliance in our kitchen that we replaced-we got rid of the whole Jenn-Air suite, including a really crazy dishwasher.  The black is gone and stainless has taken it’s place.  The old cooktop was just gross, really.  Not even redeemable, just gross.

I can’t find a before picture from us, but here is the closest I can get from before we bought our house…


In this horrible picture, you can barely see the wallpaper we ripped down and the pink walls that Gil surprised me by painting one weekend we were in Virginia.  Yeah Gil!

The floor is just something we have to live with.  It’s ceramic tile and a little bit pink.  Somebody went wild trying to get a victorian feeling inside to match the victorian style outside.  Ugh.

Here is the only one I can find of the cooktop in all it’s glory.  Mmmm, apple pie (really regretting giving up sweets for Lent.)


We think we are painting the cabinets soon, but here is the island….


Gil put beadboard around the back and sides (I thought I could do it, but there were a few cuts to be made and I’m skeered of the saw.





We thought about doing the counter on just this part, but it would still be really expensive and we don’t even know what we would want anyway.  Our neighbor does concrete counters but they are even more than granite (which really surprised the mess out of me).

So, I had the genius idea for the beadboard, Gil sort of challenged me to do it myself and I got as far as measuring and getting all the pieces cut and paint purchased.  And took off the cabinet doors.  And that is where my involvement ended.  I didn’t even paint the thing.  So lame.  Thanks goodness for Gil!

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