Sorry for yet another long absence from my little corner of the blogosphere. Of my two courses this semester, I really like one of them, but man is it a lot of work. (shhh-don't let anyone at my graduate school program hear this, but....) It's really the first class I have taken that might be useful as a school librarian. It's a children's literature class and there really is a lot of reading and work in general. You wouldn't think it would be difficult to read 40 children's books, we read that in a normal week around here. But it takes time to read them and write up quality summaries and personal responses on each. The professor also asked many times to read books you haven't read, don't just raid your kids' bookshelves. So I am spending a lot of time reading booklists from the past few years and requesting them from my public library.
I know one thing though-there are some amazing kids' books out there. And quite a lot of duds.
I am really close to finishing an assignment I have due this weekend-and I want to share pictures of our weekend in the mountains (stolen from Robin and Kristen since I forgot my camera!)
So-see you soon, with pictures of little people flying down a mountain on tubes.
Christmas Pajamas -- A Look Back
10 years ago
PLEASE send me some of your good lists! I've been compiling my own, but would love to add to it! Thanks!