Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello old friend

I can't believe I am saying this now, since it is 45 and raining, but we have had some beautiful spring weather around here lately.  Rather-we had-I guess we are having a little bit more winter right now.

We took advantage last week and took a picnic out to Pine Island at the lake.  I have said it before, but it really is one of my favorite places.  It is so pretty and quiet with lots of room to run.  I love it best when we can get in the water, but playground days are pretty great too.  We spend as much time as we can there in the summer with Kristen and Allie and even had the boys' birthday party there in August.  And Bill, really-I hope you love your job because we'll all go into a deep state of depression if you ever leave!!  (Just kidding, we would probably get over it eventually).

I dusted off the camera and we headed out.  I really need to take some classes-I am not nearly living up to my camera's potential.  And I can't seem to get a picture indoors for anything-they always turn out yellow and hazy-so outside we go...

 Ben begged to take some pictures of the moms-so we let him at it.

Not bad for a 4 year old....

Now we are ready for the rain and cold to go far, far away so we can resume our normal non-shut in activities.


  1. First off, I think the 4 year old takes great pictures...especially the moms in the air pic...he had perfect timing! Second, if you're indoor pics are yellow & blurry you may not have enough lighting. Try increasing your ISO setting or consider an external flash. I love my flash for indoor pictures but it makes your camera super heavy.

  2. Let me know if you decide to do a camera class, I would love to take one.


Wiser ones than me say.....