Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Marios

We have become obsessed interested in Super Mario Brothers around here lately.  It might be a little bit my fault.  I love those little Italian dudes and their crazy turtle jumping.  I can sort of remember playing when I was younger, although I'm pretty sure I never had the game, must have been at friends' houses.  Ben got it for his birthday in July and we have been playing it before bedtime.  It has also been a good bargaining chip- "Stop jumping on your brother's head or we won't play wii tonight!"

For Halloween, we have unfortunately moved beyond sweet little costumes and are now onto full on boy stuff.

Ben's first Halloween-2006


2008-Ben was 2 and Nate was 2 months

How pitiful is this?  He urped all over his costume right before we went to the Fall Festival, so he wore the shirt in the above picture, but I needed a picture of him in his costume, so I did this later, but didn't have the heart to put on the whole black layer underneath, so pitiful and adorable, all wrapped into one little package.

2009-Ben was a really cool homemade bat, and Nate wore 4 different costumes to the 6 or 7 dress up events we attended (which we will never do again-we were so Halloweened out by the actual day!)

And now for 2010-Nate didn't wear a costume for the first few dress up occasions, but finally settled on Batman.  And Ben was the famous Mario (except at the zoo, he sported a Batman from the dress up stash for that one). 

Coleman, Ray, Allie, Griffin, Nate, Ford, Lincoln, and Ben (aka capri pant Batman)

And, to tie in my random title, Nate has really enjoyed wearing the Mario (and Luigi) hats from Ben's costume and the Luigi one I might have bought the day after Halloween.  But he doesn't really wear it straight on, he prefers it cocked to the side or all the way backwards.  Which is good because when he wears it correctly, it almost looks like something from World War II Germany.  But backwards it looks a little like Samuel Jackson, pretty funny if I do say so myself.  And yes, we were the weirdos at Bellacino's the other night with a kid with a Luigi hat on, thank you very much.

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