Today marks the 10th anniversary of our wedding. And I sure can't express how lucky that makes me feel. I'm not too great with the touchy feely mushy love stuff, but here goes.

Thirteen years ago, on Valentine's Day, I went on a date with my best friend Emily's husband. That sounds kind of bad, huh? Emily was hanging out with her parents, I feel like in Rhode Island, but that's probably really wrong. Anyway, Barry had tickets to a ballet with work people and I was woefully dateless on Valentine's-so we went together. One of his co-workers (enter Gil) was also dateless on that romantic holiday-but he was probably happy about it-I'm not sure. He would have happily skipped the ballet that night, had he not missed a meeting that morning due to a late night, so he felt he had to show his face. We all sat together and Gil and I spent the next few hours discussing the extreme homeliness of the dancers playing Romeo and Juliet. We had a very nice time laughing and not paying too much attention. Hopefully Barry had fun, too. We all went out for drinks afterwards, and Barry drove me home, while Gil spent the rest of the night wondering if Barry and I were indeed having an affair. Kind of a funny start, huh?

Gil and I went on our first date a few days later-ate way too much garlic, and saw an absolutely awful movie. It was really fun. After dating for two years and taking a lot of trips and really just having a great time, he surprised me (which is very, very hard to do) with a big fat diamond ring. We were engaged for one year and five days.

We had a rehearsal dinner at Capstone on Carolina's campus, and got married at Rutledge Chapel on the Horseshoe. Gil's friend Mark's dad married us and gave us the funniest story of our wedding weekend. He wasn't very familiar with the campus, and especially the Horseshoe. The Rev was running a little late and a few of us were outside waiting for him, including Mark-who all of the sudden pointed and said, "That's my dad!" He was pointing to a car driving ON the brick sidewalk of the Horseshoe-definitely not a road! I get a little fuzzy here-but when the Rev and Revette came into the Chapel we questioned them and they said they met up with a very nice white haired man and his wife and they offered up a parking spot behind their home, not far away. It was Dr. and Mrs. Palms, the President of the University who lived on the Horseshoe! So funny.
We went to Jamaica for a week for our honeymoon, which was great-and would have been even better had the sun come out for a bit.
The wedding was great, the honeymoon was lovely, but none of that compares to the reality of getting to wake up with Gil Youmans each and every day. In all seriousness, I can not believe that the stars and moon lined up to put Gil in my path. And really, I know it was all God's plan-and what a plan it was-and continues to be.
I have never met anyone quite like Gil. He is the kindest, most caring, considerate, and hilarious person I have ever known. He goes out of his way for so many people and is willing to lend everyone a hand. He is fiercely loyal to his friends.
Somehow, after 10 years, I can still catch a glimpse of him and get butterflies. In many ways, I almost feel like we are still just dating-even though our dates now are playing Super Mario on the wii once the monsters are in bed! I still get that new feeling about him, while being completely comfortable at the same time. I try not to be too comfortable, and get some makeup on at least before he gets home from work-but that doesn't always happen. I still feel like we are on a great adventure together-an us against the world kind of feeling. Cheese alert-but he really is my best friend. I am blessed to have so many amazing friends in my life-and am glad that when something good happens, he is the first one I want to tell.

I am thrilled, although not at all surprised, at the father that he is to our monsters. They prefer him 100% over me and I can totally see why. He plays with them non-stop, but doesn't hesitate to keep them in check. He takes amazing care of them, most mornings getting them breakfast and giving them lots of attention to start their days. They get so excited when he is coming home, knowing that his first priority will be to give them hugs and kisses and wrestle with them. The three of them have so many little things that are just their own, like Crabby, Ugg Cafe, and the Bull.
We are all so lucky to call him ours.