So, because I love the random-here are 9 random things.
1. I am a little obsessed with Zumba lately. I just love that exercise class. It's very odd, because there is not an ounce of my blood that is even remotely gifted at anything dance/rhythm/fitness related, but I would go to zumba any day. The music is not what I would purposefully listen to, but I love it while I'm there. When I first went, I didn't even feel like it was exercise, it took me so much effort to do what everyone else was doing, I wasn't even getting sweaty-now I leave drenched and I LOVE IT!
2. Gil's cousin Leigh, and her little girl Alex are here from Canada (they are living there for a few years for Leigh's job at the Four Seasons). We got to see them for a few minutes last night and then we'll get to spend this weekend with them. Yeah. Leigh is so fun to be around, and the boys love playing with sweet Alex.
4. This extreme heat is no fun. The boys and I will go outside to play in our pj's at 8:00, and it still gets too hot too fast. I love summer, but let's turn it down a notch or two on the thermometer.
5. I am so excited about Carolina being in the finals of the CWS. What an amazing thing. And to have gone against Clemson was sort of surreal. Big time rivals playing each other for one of the last 2 spots. Wow. Go Cocks
6. If I don't get my hair cut soon, I might shave my own damn head.
7. I am not a super fan of being the captain of our tennis team. I don't feel like I'm doing a great job of it. My procrastinator nature doesn't match up with being in charge of something like this. Good thing it's only the summer singles season.
8. I have been doing so well going to the gym 4 or 5 times a week, but have been baking lately. Hmmm, doesn't make much sense. Want a banana chocolate chip muffin?
9. I am so excited that my beautiful cousin Brianna is coming to visit at the end of July. She is the baby of the 8 cousins and I just love her. And then Becca and her boys are coming at about the same time. I love having visitors to look forward to!
To continue the theme of random, here are some random pictures.